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Click the PDF button above to access the full volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:

Introduction- A Joint Publication in Commemoration of Professor David D. Caron '83

Ecology Law Quarterly and Berkeley Journal of International Law

Foreword- In Honor and Memory of David Caron

Erwin Chemerinsky

Opening Reflection- The Elegance of International Law

Laurel E. Fletcher

The David Caron Rule of X

Lucy Reed

Navigating the Judicialization of International Law in Troubled Waters: Some Reflections on a Generation of International Lawyers

Charles N. Brower and Daniel Litwin

Legitimacy in International Law and Institutions: Carrying Forward the Work of David D. Caron

Saira Mohamed

Goldilocks and International Dispute Settlement

Joan E. Donoghue

ISDS Reform and the Proposal for a Multilateral Investment Court

Lee M. Caplan

The Singapore Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation: A New Way Forward?

Christina G. Hioureas

Finding Elegance in Unexpected Places

John R. Crook

Nonparticipation and Perceptions of Legitimacy

Bernard H. Oxman

The Legitimacy of Economic Sanctions as Countermeasures for Wrongful Acts

Lori Fisler Damrosch

International Courts and Democratic Backsliding

Tom Ginsburg

Legitimacy, Collective Authority and Internet Governance: A Reflection on David Caron's Study of the UN Security Council

David Kaye

Institutional Arrangements for the Ocean: From Zero to Indefinite?

Marie Jacobsson

Navigating the Oceans: Old and New Challenges for the Law of the Sea for Straits Used for International Navigation

Nilufer Oral

New Law for the High Seas

Cymie R. Payne

Maritime Interdiction of North Korean Ships under UN Sanctions

James Kraska

Ocean Policy and the Law of the Sea: The Contributions of David D. Caron (1952-2018)

Harry N. Scheiber

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