BJIL's blog and podcast.
Substantive Guidelines
All submissions from contributors must be timely.
For example, while an application of legal theory to a current international event or policy is great, a general overview of a legal or political theory is not appropriate for the blog. That does not mean historically situated pieces don’t qualify! We just want to make sure they are engaging and relevant. If you are not sure if your piece is right, just ask!
As a general rule, blog posts must be more than simply explanatory or descriptive pieces.
They should contain a central thesis and propose creative answers or solutions.​ Exceptions may be made for pieces that aim to clarify an event, policy, or other internationally significant matter that has produced confusion or misunderstanding. These pieces should aim to avoid one-sided accounts.
All submissions should concern international law.
'International law' should not be confused with the domestic legal affairs of one country. Rather, an article may discuss domestic affairs only to illustrate implications of or on international law. For example, an article that discusses the domestic affairs of one country might fall within our definition of international law if it is comparative or examines these affairs through international law's scope.
Formatting and Grammar Requirements:
Submissions have a 1500-word limit.
For sources, please use hyperlinks (not footnotes) whenever possible.
Travaux publishes in American English and uses Oxford commas.
Include a title and sub-headings as necessary. Section headers and title lengths should be of a reasonable length. Please do not submit articles with long section headers and titles.
Submissions should be formatted as doc or docx, with a file name formatted as [Full Article Title_Author"s Last Name] so that editors can provide easy feedback and edits.
The blog generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style. While editors are happy to correct grammar errors and formatting issues, pieces submitted that have many careless errors will be returned to authors for proofreading before consideration.
Please note that these guidelines only apply to the Travaux blog and do not apply to the primary journal.
Author Information
Please submit a short biography (a few sentences) to be included with the piece.
Please include a photo with your blog submission, as well as a link to the free-use website where it was found.
Feel free to contact the Travaux team with any questions at